Indonesian Journal of Economics, Business, Accounting, and Management (IJEBAM) 2025-01-08T01:48:56+07:00 Titik Desi Harsoyo Open Journal Systems <p>We invite researchers, academics and practitioners to submit research results, internship reports, and business design manuscripts to the <strong>Indonesian Journal of Economics, Business, Accounting, and Management (IJEBAM). </strong></p> <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Economics, Business, Accounting, and Management (IJEBAM) </strong>is an open peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of research articles, internship reports, and business design articles of economic, business, accounting and management quality, but not implicitly limited. The peer-review process is applied and ethical consideration is in our best interest.</p> <p>All publications in the <strong>Indonesian Journal of Economics, Business, Accounting, and Management (IJEBAM) </strong>are open access which allows articles to be freely available online without any subscription and free of charge. please <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here to submit online.</a> The cost of publishing articles can be accessed by <a href=",Article%20Processing%20Charges,-Indonesian%20Journal%20of" target="_blank" rel="noopener">clicking here.</a></p> <p>Acceptance of manuscripts has started from now on. We are waiting for your best manuscripts for quality publications. Thank you</p> The Influence of Profitability, Solvency, Liquidity Ratios on Company Value: Study on Manufacturing Companies in The Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Listed on The IDX for The 2019-2023 Period 2024-11-29T21:01:06+07:00 Khumairo Annisa Annisa Pristin Prima Sari Johannes Maysan Damanik <p>This study aims to determine the effect of profitability, solvency, liquidity on company value in food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the IDX for the 2019-2023 period. This study is a quantitative study using secondary data obtained from the financial statements of food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the IDX for a period of 5 years. The data in this study were processed using IBM SPSS 27.0 Statistics. The results of this study indicate that profitability has a positive effect on company value, solvency does not affect company value, liquidity has a positive effect on company value.</p> 2024-12-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khumairo Annisa Annisa, Pristin Prima Sari, Johannes Maysan Damanik The Impact of Social Media Marketing Activities on Consumer Satisfaction and Purchase Intentions Mediated by Social Identification and Perceived Value on Social Media by Dr. Marteen 2025-01-08T01:48:56+07:00 Muhammad Wildan Yuha Asa Rudianto Muchsin Muthohar <p>The rise of technology and the digital era has made the internet a crucial part of life, transforming it into a powerful marketing tool, known as e-marketing. E marketing broadens market reach, strengthens consumer relationships, and enhances satisfaction. Companies use it to efficiently share product information and expand their reach. This study explores the relationships between social media marketing, social identification, perceived value, and satisfaction within Dr. Marteen's marketing strategies, aiming to provide insights into social media marketing’s impact and offer practical recommendations for improving fashion industry marketing strategies.</p> 2025-01-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Wildan Yuha Asa Rudianto, Muchsin Muthohar Marketing Strategy of PT PACC to Increase Consumer Interest in Buying Gadget Accessories: Consumer Perspective 2024-12-13T12:43:09+07:00 Alexandro Manuel <p>PT PACC is a retail company engaged in the sale of gadget accessories in Yogyakarta and Central Java. The company faces the challenge of ineffective marketing and the presence of competitors, making it difficult to attract loyal customers. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence consumer purchasing interest and evaluate the marketing strategy of the PACC store. This internship program focuses on analyzing consumer perspectives using descriptive qualitative methods with interview techniques, observations and documentation studies. The results show that the implementation of 4P strategy (product, price, place, promotion) affects consumer purchasing interest. However, it was found that the marketing strategy used by the PACC store still needs to be improved to be more effective</p> 2025-01-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandro Manuel